Sunday, March 16, 2014

Great Events leading to more Great Events

Events come in all sizes, all places, and when you start using them to network for your own project, chances are you both will gain exposure, contacts, and support. Yesterday, was a prime example of just that.

Thank you to The Daily World for letting us promote our event within your booth at Expo Grays Harbor and Bite of Grays Harbor.
Steve Crabb, Mary Anne Bagwell & Mike Spezia, welcome Aberdeen Founders' Day Parade Committee to their booth.

There are lots of  Harbor Happenings all year long. As I find them I am putting them up on the Local-Local-Local page. I am getting the dates and links to their website, if they have one, or Facebook page. Hopefully it will help support them by getting the word out. If you are working on an event, or know of one that isn't listed, send an email and we'll get it added.

People are beginning to register!!

Thank heavens! That one step has been a slow start. Lots of people saying they will participate, and seeing their names on the dotted line are entirely different matters. So much of our planning depends on how many people will be making noise, marching, driving, shooting cannons and taking up space. We have to report to the city, how many side streets will need to be closed for staging--YIKES!! And we don't want two bands marching too close, or the Cat Club strutting just in front of  the Dog Club, you get the picture.
First Poster for the Event--more to come.

People are beginning to share!!

Thanks to people like Sue Wynans 

for sharing on Facebook, getting out the word so everyone can join the fun. Here's what she posted: "Making Our Own History, While Celebrating Our Own History.....Get In Line! Help Make a Parade Downtown. It's Free. Walk, Ride, Dance, Dress-up, Throw Candy, Create Smiles."

We appreciate everyone that helps promote this event. It takes a village.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Volunteering is a super way to add to your life; I know, I know--everyone is already juggling time and commitments. Here is the deal, not everyone has to do everything! You find something you like to do and donate that to your community. Is art is your thing?-- create a poster, a logo, a coloring page. Love the smell of fresh cut grass?-- groom the park, kill some ivy. Have a passion for marketing?--Boy, anyone could use a couple hours of that..

I never anticipated I would: get to see a check written to, and endorsed by, JM Weatherwax by Sam Benn; meet Sam's Great Grandchildren; give a presentation to a group of people (major public speaking phobia); create a blog, create a QR code.. and more!!

Since coming on board for the Aberdeen Founders' Day Parade, I have got to: meet new people, stretch my talents, LEARN, relax and have fun while making a difference. I have something that I am looking forward to, a real project that will be a forever memory. That's a pretty good return on my time and efforts.

We have plenty of places where we could use some volunteers:
Parade Traffic Director - Communicates to the Parade attendees how thing's will go and speed and such.
Parade Traffic Keeper - Makes sure parade floats are in the correct order with numbering system.
Parade Traffic Keeper 2 - Makes sure parade floats are in correct order with numbering system.
Parade Traffic Keeper 3 - Directs traffic at the end of the parade.
Parade Traffic Keeper 4 - Directs traffic at Sam Benn Park.

Crowd Keeper - Each of these patrols the parade to make sure there aren't members of the crowd crossing the parade lines.
Crowd Keeper 2
Crowd Keeper 3
Crowd Keeper 4

Vendor Assistant - Each Vendor Checks in with this individual and get's the map/location and downlow.
Vendor Assistant 2 - Assists in the needs of each vendor. Answers their questions.

Water Boy/Girl - Makes sure the volunteers are well hydrated.

Information Guru - Answers questions wherever they go.
Information Guru 2

First Aid Guru - Patrols for safety.