Saturday, February 15, 2014

Challenge #1

What do you get when you put together a group of hard working ladies that LOVE their community,  with huge right brain power that is just a bit tainted with a touch of A-D-D. That would be "The Committee!" It's hard not to get swept up in the excitement, and harder still to stay on task. Ideas come quickly especially when fueled by a little Vino, I think I did mention that most meetings are held at Grays Harbor Wine Sellar.

There have been some serious sessions of "off the subject brainstorming". This is why we have decided to freeze the number of members allowed to participate. C'mon, I mean really, if we opened it up to more members we could be meeting all-day every-day, for the rest of our collective lives. However we ARE looking for volunteers! We will be outlining some of the jobs we need you to do for the event at our next meeting!! And I mean it!

 You would think that it would be a pretty easy job; to choose a date, register the troops, and watch them march into Aberdeen, WA history books, but it is a little more complicated. Rules and Regs are everywhere.

#1) We chose Market Street for a couple reasons, first it is nice and wide, plenty of room for the parade and its watchers, but also we did not want to mess with the DOT (Department of Transportation, for those of you that don't speak initials--I am with you here), and finally there hasn't been much activity on that street, it was a unanimous decision.

#2) We will not have a cook-off, because a.--it is not a function of parades, and b.-- it requires quite a bit of involvement with the HD (Health Department--yes, I will continue to spell things out).

3#) We cannot collect funds for the parade as a non-profit group, even though any profit we make will go toward paying our expenses and funding next years event. But we can thank ARM (Aberdeen Revitalization Movement--again with the initials) for opening their umbrella and covering us. If you'd like to make a donation to this historic cause, we can make sure you can deduct it from next years taxes.

4#) We need to spend our tourism grant money on out of county marketing and nothing else or we will not get that money...

 5#) You really don't want to hear anymore rules and regs we have ran into thus far. 

The other thing that pulls us off task is;  It is just so much fun to think about, and plan-- what others might do. We have come up with an amazing amount of float plans, and drill team ideas, David Quigg-- if you are reading this blog, don't forget the ideas I gave you about Grays Harbor Community Hospitals entry. Thank heaven for Karen, who is firm and steady when we start to veer.. "We Are the PARADE committee", is becoming a familiar chant from her. Whatever,--it works.


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